Let Go of Fear

October 29, 2022

It all begins with an idea. The idea today is letting go of fear. They will control you with fear.

They will make you think you will never pay off your debt. They will make you think you cannot practice anywhere else. They will make you think you are not working hard enough to earn what they give you. They will make you think you could get sued.

I will define THEY as those who are your corporate employers in the world of health care and if you work for them, you are in danger of being manipulated by the fear They create. Let the fear go and you will have a richer fuller life with less stress and more joy.

How do you let go of fear? Ask yourself, what is the worst that could happen if you said NO. Would you get fired? Maybe, but you would find work elsewhere. I got fired and found a better workplace. Would you get sued? Maybe, but you could also win the suit. I got sued and settled out of court. Would you have debt? Everyone in America has debt and you will pay yours off in good time. I had debt and paid it off.

Will they ask you work longer hours? Sure, but you can say no. I said no and had a better life and found a better practice.

If you realize that you work so that you can live, then they cannot fill you with fear. If you realize that they need you more than you need them, they cannot fill you with fear. If you realize that your true ally is your patient who sits in front of you now, they cannot fill you with fear. If you realize that you are needed honored respected and loved because you are a physician, they cannot fill you with fear. Contemplate these realizations and you will let go of your fear.

Be well and be loved



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